EBA is proud to partner with Virginia DJJ in providing quality, coordinated, and effective community-based services to youth throughout Virginia.
Since 2017, Virginia’s Department of Juvenile Justice has been undergoing a transformation intended to align practices with research and evidence-informed approaches that have been proven effective in reducing recidivism rates of juvenile offenders. To achieve their vision of delivering a more effective and efficient approach to juvenile justice, DJJ has committed to three core principles, as well as a strategy to sustain and maintain the Transformation’s progress:
- Safely reduce the use of state operated JCCs by reforming probation practices, utilizing data and research to modify length of stay policies, and developing successful alternative placements.
- Effectively reform supervision; expand, improve, and strengthen services and supports provided to youth in DJJ custody both during their commitment and upon their return home.
- Efficiently replace the large, outdated correction centers with a statewide continuum of evidence-based services, alternative placements, and new, smaller therapeutic correctional settings.
- Sustain DJJ’s Transformation by maintaining safe, healthy, inclusive workplaces; continuing to recruit, retain, and develop a team of highly skilled and motivated staff, and aligning our procedures, policies, and resources to support the team in meeting the needs of the Transformation.
EBA’s Role in Virginia:
In October 2016, Virginia DJJ selected two Regional Service Coordination agencies responsible for developing a comprehensive continuum of evidence-based programs and services to effectively meet the needs of justice system involved youth. EBA began overseeing the service continuum in the Central and Northern regions of the Commonwealth; beginning in 2024, EBA was assigned service coordination across the state. Service delivery under this coordinated system of care began in January 2017 to ensure that an effective array of interventions is available for all juvenile justice involved youth in the Commonwealth regardless of where they live.
EBA's Commitment to Virginia DJJ’s Transformation
Evidence-Based Associates (EBA) is a committed partner to serve as the Regional Service Coordinator for establishing and maintaining the statewide continuum of locally provided community- and evidence-based innovative services. In collaboration with DJJ leadership, EBA is building a continuum of effective services, programs, and treatment needed to divert youth from further involvement in the juvenile justice system and support youth following their commitment and re-integration into the community.
Dr. Dan Edwards, EBA President, said, “EBA was established in order to help child-serving public systems transform in order to deliver services that are more evidence-based, more family-friendly, and more effective. We’ve created a wide range of innovative tools, resources, and programs to partner with private service providers and public agencies like VA DJJ to accomplish their transformation goals.”
Beginning in 2024, EBA is honored to meet the needs of youth across the state in various levels of involvement with the Department of Juvenile Justice and partner with the Department to support youth, families, and communities in the Commonwealth.
VA Provider Directory Interactive Map
The online map-based DSP directory to help PO's and other DJJ staff see a visual representation of the services available across EBA regions. The directory is regularly updated as new providers are added or when coverage areas change. The interactive map shows the geographic service areas of a given provider and has a search feature to help PO's identify a specific service available in a specific CSU. Recent enhancements provide additional searches to locate services based on language needs.
GREAT Program Guide Presentation 2025
FY24 EBA Service Descriptions- Updated for FY24
The service names are a detailed list of services available and contracted by EBA.
Guidance and Position Statements
- Sibling Referral Guide for FFT & MST – provides clarity for referral sources and providers who identify numerous youth in a single household who may benefit from MST or FFT.
Relapse Prevention Safety Plan Documents
Logic Models
A logic model framework provides a visual summary that shows the relationship between the program's resources, activities, outputs, and outcomes. Logic models have become a critical feature of program planning and evaluation. The logic model tool highlights the program’s underlying theory, the service activities, and the organizational structure for accomplishing program outcomes.
Logic Models for Community Based Services
- 7 Brief Challenges
- BBBS Kaizen Program
- Casey Life Skills
- Impact MRT Group
- Intensive In-Home
- You Glow Girl
Logic Models for Residential Programs are available upon request
CSU/CAP Related Documents
DJJ RSC Model Referral - **NEW for FY25**
Contact Form (used for Direct Care Placements)
The contact form may be needed for all placements at residential programs to support streamlined communication from the provider.
GPS Referral Guidelines Updated July 2024
The GPS Referrals Guidelines is requested by the assigned DJJ staff and will serve as a reporting guideline for the GPS Service Provider. This includes restrictions and allowances for the youth (e.g., times, locations, curfews, etc.) and requested reporting procedures for alerts needed by the Provider, if a violation occurs.
Consent to Release Information
Consent to Release Information in Spanish
The release of Information was revised in 2024.
Stakeholder Feedback - use this to give EBA real time feedback
EBA is honored to work with a variety of Direct Service Providers (DSP) across the state to serve court-involved youth. Below you will find forms and resources to support your work and ensure alignment with DJJ needs; please reach out if you have questions or need additional supports.
Provider Forms
- Direct Care DSP Incident Report Form 7-1-24
- Service-Provider-Incident-Report-Not-In-Direct-Care-Status-11-1-2019
- DJJ-RSC-Model-Monthly-Report-Template FY25-** "NEW FOR 2025"**
- DJJ-RSC-Model-Monthly-Report-Template FY25 sample with instructions
- Monthly Report Template for GPS Services- Updated May 2021
- EBA MST/FFT Team Vacancy Notification Form
- EBA MST/FFT Team New Hire Notification Form
Billing Activity Related Documents
- Monthly-provider-activity-form-Feb25 -Updated Dec 2024
- Monthly-daily-activity-form-Feb25 -Updated Dec 2024
- Monthly-residential-activity-form-Feb25- Use this for FFT, GPS/EM, ICC & MST) -Updated Dec 2024
- Service Completion Form- Updated Sep. 2020
- RSC Billing Calendar CY 2025
- Billing Process Presentation
Documents for New Providers and Annual Updates
- FY25 Provider Onboarding
- FY25 Confidentiality Agreement- FY2025
- Notification Form
- EBA Subcontractor Responsibilities- FY2025
- EBA-Bank-Form
- Terms and Conditions- Updated Aug 2021
- RSC Service Definitions for FY25
- Service Areas
- W9_revised March 2024
- EBA FY25 Background check Affidavit Form
Provider Support Calls
The Fourth Friday of every month, from 10-11am join us on every fourth Friday of every month to stay current with EBA news.
Prior Provider Support Presentations
- EBA Provider Call_ Billing Process 2025
- GREAT Program Guide Presentation 2025
- Summary of GREAT Program 2025
- Expanding EBPs in VA Presentation- Oct 23
- EBA Provider Call _ July 2024 GREAT Program for FY25
- Casey Life Skills for GREAT-Jan 24
- Community Safety Ideas for Providers- Sept 23
- Growing and Supporting YSB Services (March 2023)
- YASI Service Provider Presentation 12-16-22 Handout with lines- Feb 2023
- Service Details, Descriptions and Documentation Jan 23
- Provider Documentation (Dec 2022)
- Mindfulness Jan 2022 **NEW**
- Evidence Based Principles (#5-8) Nov 2021
- Evidence Based Principles (#1-4) Oct 2021
- Credible Messenger and Safety Plan Development - Sep 2021
- Casey Life Skills- Jul 2021
- Trauma and Diversity- Jun 2021
- Engagement and Communication- May 2021
- Billing & Data- Oct 2020
- Customer Service- Aug 2020
- Evaluations & Assessments - Jul 2020
- Incident Reports- Dec 2019
- Notification Form Sample- Dec 2019
Potential Providers
EBA continues to identify providers with the goal of expanding access to high quality, evidence-based services delivered throughout the Commonwealth. EBA will explore providers that satisfy an identified unmet or under-served region/population for residential or community-based services.
If you are interested in contracting with Evidence Based Associates to provide services for DJJ involved youth in Virginia, please e-mail KBrooks@ebanetwork.com for an application.
For DJJ:
- EBA Stakeholder Feedback System (link)
- RSC referral form Mar 2021 & Reminders (link)
- Service Extension Reminders (link)
- Service Authorization Ending (link)
- YASI Reminders (link)
- What’s a good MST referral? (link)
- Provider Directory includes language information (link)
- (first) Provider Directory announcement (link)
For Providers:
- Maintaining Confidential Information (link)
- Welcome Central Region RSC (link)
- Welcome Northern Region RSC (link)
- Welcome Western Region RSC (link)
- Quality Assurance Plan (link)
- EPISCenter MST/FFT (link)
- Director Block’s TEDx (link)
- Beaumont Closing (link)
DJJ Announces Changes To The Regional Service Coordination Model (link)
Sign Up for Our Newsletter Today!
Press Room
- Family Therapy Becoming an Alternative to Jail for Troubled Children - The Virginian-Pilot - December 28, 2017New Program Seeks to Keep Children Out of the Criminal Justice System - WCYB - November 9, 2017
- DJJ Invests Savings From Facility Closures Into New Evidence-Based Family Therapy Programs Across Virginia - New Castle Record - October 17, 2017
- Dept. of Juvenile Justice Implements New Family Therapy Program - WVIR (NBC29) - October 18, 2017
- DJJ Implements MST - DJJ Press Release - October 12, 2017
- McAuliffe Celebrates Progress Made in Juvenile Justice System - Richmond Times-Dispatch - August 27, 2017
- Virginia Youth Prison Population Drops by Two-Thirds - WVTF - August 29, 2017
- Virginia MST Award Announcement - EBA - June 23, 2017
- Virginia Beaumont Corrections Center Closing - Richmond Times-Dispatch - June 23, 2017
- What's Working - Creating the Continuum - DJJ Director Andy Block - May 30, 2017
- Meet the EBA staff serving the Virginia Service Coordination project - EBA Internal Publication - Jan. 19, 2017
- Governor McAuliffe Announces Contracts Awarded for Treatment Services and Juvenile Correction Center Alternatives - Gov. Terry McAuliffe's Office Press Release - Oct. 20, 2016
- ‘Traumatized’ formerly incarcerated youth praises plan to close VA detention centers – NBC Channel 12 (WWBT) Richmond – Oct. 29, 2015
- Town hall focuses on Va. juvenile justice system – Richmond Times-Dispatch – Oct. 29, 2015
- Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice gets federal grant – Richmond Times-Dispatch – Oct. 6, 2015
Evidence-Based Associates is a leader in driving the adoption of evidence-based programs by providing oversight, technical support and management of Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare services and programs. In today’s ever-changing landscape and information access, EBA strives to connect providers and referral sources with quality resources. As we continue to engage gold-standard evidence-based program partners and develop a continuous quality improvement and trauma-informed mindset for all stakeholders connected to the VA RSC Model, the following resources and links support the work being done on behalf of the youth and families encompassed by the transformation initiative.
Evidence Based Program Registries/ Clearinghouses
Evidence-Based registries are a great tool resource for funders and providers. The following provide nationwide and Virginia specific registries that outline evidence-based interventions, research, and model programs.
Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
The Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development mission is to promote interventions that work. We do this by providing a comprehensive, trusted registry of evidence-based interventions (programs, practices and policies) that are effective in reducing antisocial behavior and promoting a healthy course of youth development and adult maturity. We also advocate for evidence-based interventions locally and nationally and produce publications on the importance of adopting high-scientific standards when evaluating what works in social and crime prevention interventions.
At Blueprints, we identify, recommend, and disseminate programs for youth, families and communities that, based on scientific evaluations, have strong evidence of effectiveness. Those programs are rated as either Promising, Model or Model Plus. When searching our registry of programs, each result will indicate the program rating. https://www.blueprintsprograms.org/
Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
The Title IV- E Prevention Services Clearinghouse was established by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to conduct an objective and transparent review of research on programs and services intended to provide enhanced support to children and families and prevent foster care placements.
The Prevention Services Clearinghouse, developed in accordance with the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) as codified in Title IV-E of the Social Security Act, rates programs and services as well-supported, supported, promising, or does not currently meet criteria. https://preventionservices.abtsites.com/
California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare
The mission of the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (CEBC) is to advance the effective implementation of evidence-based practices for children and families involved with the child welfare system.
The CEBC helps to identify and disseminate information regarding evidence-based practices relevant to child welfare. Evidence-based practices are those that have empirical research supporting their efficacy. The CEBC Program Registry provides information on both evidence-based and non-evidence-based child welfare related practices to statewide agencies, counties, public and private organizations, and individuals. This information is provided in simple straightforward formats reducing the user's need to conduct literature searches, review extensive literature, or understand and critique research methodology. https://www.cebc4cw.org/
Collection of Evidence-based Practices for Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Treatment Needs - 7th Edition
The Collection of Evidence-Based Practices for Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Treatment Needs. This update is designed to be a quick reference guide to evidence-based practices—interventions that have been proven, through scientific testing, to be effective. The 7th Edition is designed to provide a brief overview of evidence-based treatments and interventions for children and adolescent mental health disorders. It is intended as an educational tool to help inform non-clinicians about treatment options, and it should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a qualified mental health professional. http://vcoy.virginia.gov/collection.asp
Model Plus Programs in Virginia
Trauma Informed Resources:
National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)
The NCTSN was created to raise the standard of care and increase access to services for children and families who experience or witness traumatic events. NCTSN.org is a resource for the public, professionals, and others who care about children and are concerned about child traumatic stress. The website includes many resources about trauma, assessments, clinical treatment, policies and trauma informed care systems. https://www.nctsn.org/
SAMHSA’s Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach.
This manual introduces a concept of trauma and offers a framework for becoming a trauma-informed organization, system, or service sector. The manual provides a definition of trauma and a trauma-informed approach, and offers 6 key principles and 10 implementation domains. https://store.samhsa.gov/system/files/sma14-4884.pdf
Rewriting the Playbook for Reducing Juvenile Delinquency
There is a growing body of evidence that identifies effective interventions that get young people back on track. These developmentally appropriate strategies support justice-involved youth while also reducing juvenile delinquency. As the Casey Foundation explained in its report on transforming juvenile probation, lessons from this research are helping juvenile justice reformers and other stakeholders use state-of-the-art thinking to design interventions that promote personal growth, positive behavior change and long-term success for young people. Rewriting the Playbook