System Assessment


One of EBA's key service areas is to assist communities and systems with assessing the overall efficiency of their current service system, including its cost-effectiveness and the level of accountability and risk inherent in the system and services available for youth and families.
Assessment projects may include:

  • determining available service delivery resources and capacity
  • reviewing needs of identified youth populations
  • recommending cost-effective, evidence-based practices that would be appropriate to the developmental and service needs of youth

Our team of experts facilitates community and organizational meetings with key stakeholders and target populations. Additionally, we conduct surveys of current community service providers and stakeholders to assess 'readiness-to-implement' evidence-based practices. We also conduct full assessment of community-based treatment services and identify gaps in those services, as currently being implemented.

Following our assessment, EBA will make recommendations regarding optimal program development activities, contracting strategies, staff training and development for community providers regarding identified needs, quality assurance and program evaluation. Our report will recommend evidence-based practices that would be appropriate to the developmental and service needs of youth in the target regions.

Sample Final Report

A sample final report may include the following:

  • Characteristics and demographics of youth needing services and youth eligible for services
    recommendations regarding the building of service capacity using evidence-based practices
  • Recommendations regarding the development of a qualified workforce to implement and deliver evidence-based practices with fidelity
  • Strategies that will promote partnership/engagement from local providers and key stakeholders
  • Anticipated costs for serving youth by the evidence-based practice model that is recommended, as well as any other (administrative) resources that would need to be allocated to each region, according to needs identified
  • Specific strategies for identifying, training and supporting service providers

Road Map for Success

Our system assessment services provide our clients with a 'road map for success', including outcome targets for overall implementation of evidence-based practices, a timeline for implementation, estimated costs and estimated cost savings for shifting funding to evidence-based practices.

All of our efforts are focused on helping our customers effectively reform their systems and successfully attain the following benefits:

  • Become more efficient in how they serve high-risk youth
  • Provide procurement options that lower risk and provide measurable outcomes
  • Improve government accountability
  • Ensure better use of taxpayer dollars by providing cost-effective alternatives to out-of-home placement

System assessment projects are customizable and specific to each community's needs. If you are interested in conducting an assessment in your community, please contact us to determine how our team of experts can help.