Mecklenburg County




Recognizing a need within Mecklenburg County to better understand ‘root causes’ related to increased crime and gun-related injuries/deaths among youth, Alliance Health has partnered with EBA to perform a comprehensive assessment of the current service network to identify strengths, needs, and gaps that impact both access to and the effectiveness of programs and services in the Charlotte metro area.   

To conduct this assessment, EBA assembled a team of subject matter experts who have extensive experience with the juvenile justice system, populations, and policies, as well as with system assessments and with the implementation of evidence-based practices. (See the “Project Team” tab for more information about EBA’s team of Subject Matter Experts.) The team’s goal is to determine areas within the system that are working well and areas in need of improvement or enhancement, to maximize the benefits of services to court-involved youth and families. 

Our partners in this effort include county officials and stakeholders, youth advocates, service providers, and youth and families who have been exposed to the juvenile justice system directly.  The method of assessment includes a comprehensive review of county data from a variety of sources in concert with other qualitative assessment strategies to include focus groups, surveys, and face-to-face interviews. 

The project’s main objectives are to:  

  1. assess strengths and needs in the current array of services for high-risk youth and their families, 
  2. identify critical gaps where programs and services are not available or are not being utilized, and 
  3. propose recommendations for better application of evidence-based policies, practices, and programs.   

EBA is aiming to complete this assessment and provide strategic recommendations to Alliance health and other county leaders by September of 2025. 

EBA has conducted similar formal, system-wide Needs Assessments / Gap Analyses (NA/GA’s) previously in Virginia and in Louisiana: EBA experience and insights are also frequently sought after by public agencies related to specific needs or gaps identified, particularly with respect to the identification of evidence-based, data-driven solutions. 

As project lead in Mecklenburg County, in partnership with Alliance Health, EBA will: 

  • Develop and manage the overarching NA/GA structure and timeline 
  • Coordinate outreach to and engagement of key stakeholders  
  • Tailor resources such as online surveys, questionnaires, semi-structured 1:1 and focus group interview guidelines, etc., and administer these assessment tools to key stakeholders, youth, families, and others in contact with the juvenile justice system in Mecklenburg County 
  • Collect data across programs, agencies, and time periods, EBA will identify trends and needs/gaps where additional resources may be warranted 
  • Identify strengths, needs, gaps, and opportunities for service enhancements.  
  • EBA will coordinate a list of actionable recommendations that will help county leaders make strategic, data-driven decisions to impact the system and improve outcomes for system-involved youth and their families. 

Dan Edwards
Senior Project Director, Empower Community Care

As Senior Director at Empower Community Care, Dr. Edwards is a clinical psychologist and implementation scientist who has enjoyed a 25+ year career training, consulting, and researching evidence-based practice implementation. He’s been part of leadership teams at both MST Services and EBA, and he looks forward to advancing conversations on behalf of Empower with innovative agency leaders who serve at-risk children, youth, and families.
Dan is presently a member of the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) and co-chair of the Intermediary Practitioner subnetwork. He is also an Associate Editor for the implementation science journal, Global Implementation Research and Applications (GIRA). Dr. Edwards holds advanced degrees from Harvard University and the University of Florida, and he has written several book chapters and journal articles on the implementation of high-quality evidence-based programs.

Holly Duggan
Director of Special Projects

Holly Duggan brings 20+ years of experience in the behavioral health industry with a bachelor's degree in psychology from St. Lawrence University and a master’s degree in Child and Family Studies from Syracuse University. She has served in both clinical roles and management level positions with a large private provider including Site Director, Regional VP of Operations and Director of Programs & Services where she assisted in the implementation of multiple evidence-based programs on the east coast. At EBA, Holly serves as Director of Special Projects where she supports systems to implement evidence-based programs with fidelity and assists in project management for a variety of other initiatives. Holly thrives on a collaborative approach to achieving goals and her positive attitude and approachability bring people together to build energy and engagement, foster relationships, and move teams to successful outcomes.

David Robinson
Consultant, Orbis Partners

Dr. David Robinson has more than 40 years of experience conducting research, developing assessments, and carrying out program evaluations in both youth and adult justice. He was a founder of Orbis Partners (2001), where he is Director of Assessment. He holds a doctorate in forensic psychology from Carleton University (1990) and a Master’s in Sociology (1982). During his graduate years he was a team member on the development of such assessment tools as the adult LSI (Level of Service Inventory) and the youth version (YLS-CMI). After a research career in federal corrections (Canada), Dr. Robinson returned to a focus on developing and implementing innovative risk, needs and strength assessment tools. He has directed program evaluations on, substance abuse treatment, cognitive skills, drug courts, boot camps, programs for females, case management models, gang interventions and juvenile diversion. He has particular expertise in youth justice assessment and has led state-wide implementations of the Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument (YASI) in fifteen jurisdictions. This work has involved planning, training, quality assurance, and validation of assessment tools developed and implemented with Orbis Partners. In addition, he has been immersed in developing and enhancing web-based applications for assessment and case planning for case managers in human services.

Recently Dr. Robinson has made research advances with his academic colleagues related to the contribution of strength assessment in predicting outcomes and helping practitioners develop effective and collaborative success plans for justice-involved youth and adults. Most recently, he directed the development of a new version of YASI designed for use with Illinois Redeploy, a program that serves highly vulnerable serious youth offenders (felony, violence, and gang-related offending) who are diverted from state custody.

Susan Burke
Consultant, The Carey Group

Susan Burke served as the executive director of Carey Group from 2019 to 2024. As a former probation executive and head of a state juvenile corrections agency, Susan Burke brings nearly 30 years of experience in the justice field to her position. She led both adult and juvenile justice reform in Utah; championed legislation to offer treatment rather than incarceration to people in the justice system who are dependent on substances; shaped state policies on a variety of justice-related issues; and served on many national boards. She is the former president of the American Probation and Parole Association and has served on the executive committees for the Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators, the Justice Center Board for the Council of State Governments, and the National Association of Probation Executives.

Susan received the Youth Advocate of the Year award in 2002 and again in 2018 from the Utah Board of Juvenile Justice. She also received, from the Council of Juvenile Corrections Administrators, the President’s Award in 2013 and the Outstanding Administrator Award in 2015, and, in 2020, she received the Walter Dunbar Memorial Award from the American Probation and Parole Association. Susan has spoken at national conferences, been a keynote speaker, and is an inspirational leader for community corrections.

Nicole Janer
Senior Director - Operations

Janer was the lead project manager for the Florida Redirection Project and now oversees all of EBA's project activities including our work in the state of Georgia and the District of Columbia. Her role incorporates her desire to provide quality services for youth and families while shaping public policy. Janer's past experiences as a vocational counselor, director of a parent advocacy and training organization, implementer of a federal demonstration project for system changes with youth with developmental disabilities and an administrator of a provider organization have all proven to be beneficial in her role with Evidence-Based Associates. She shares great enthusiasm for building local teams that include the Department of Juvenile Justice, legislators, treatment model representatives and direct service providers of evidence-based treatment services in order to deliver quality and meaningful services.

Danielle Politi
Chief Growth Officer, Empower Community Care

Dr. Danielle Politi serves as the Chief Growth Officer of Empower Community Care, a global leader in behavioral health and education, providing evidence-based programs and technologies worldwide across sectors such as justice, child welfare, human services, behavioral health, and education. Dr. Politi brings a wealth of experience dedicated to enhancing outcomes for at-risk youth, adults, families, and communities.

Before joining Empower Community Care, Dr. Politi spent 16 years at Multi-Health Systems, Inc. (MHS), where she played a pivotal role in developing and distributing scientifically sound psychological assessments. These tools have been instrumental in fields such as clinical psychology, education, public safety, and talent development, fostering better outcomes for diverse populations. Dr. Politi’s background also includes significant experience as a psychologist in educational and human services settings, where she provided direct support to youth in residential programs. Her commitment to service extends from the local to global level, driven by a mission to foster resilient, thriving communities.

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