Functional Family Therapy (FFT) is a family focused intervention for at-risk and juvenile justice involved youth.
Age & Delivery
- 10-18 years old
- Typically conducted in a(n): Adoptive Home, Birth Family Home, Foster Home, and Outpatient Clinic.
Inclusionary Criteria
Child/Youth and their families whose range of problems include but are not limited to:
- acting out
- conduct disorder
- alcohol and/or substance abuse
- limited access to resources
- a range of diagnose
Exclusionary Criteria
Child/Youth who is
- actively suicidal
- actively homicidal
- actively psychotic without medication stabilization
Youth in respite or emergency care
Youth who will not be returning home within 30 days
Youth not living with permanent/long-term caregiver
Treatment Duration/Rate
Families participate in a series of sessions over a 3-5 month treatment period.